Current titles

Alan Porter

Dark, contemporary thrillers for the modern age...

No skinny lattes here, these are the double espressos of modern fiction. Uncompromising, intelligent and complex, Alan's books will stay with you long after you close the back cover... and may make you look at the world in a slightly different way.

From the disturbing psychological horror of 'Run' to the terrorist thriller 'Sleeper Cell', Alan probes beneath the surface of subjects as diverse as mental illness, third world exploitation and international politics.

Visual, visceral and uncompromising

As today's fiction becomes increasingly homogenised and safe, these are books that draw more from the world of twenty-first century TV and film, with the breathless pacing of '24', the moral ambiguity of 'London Spy' and the gritty reality of 'The Wire'. If you prefer your fiction to treat you like an adult and trust you to draw your own conclusions, then join Alan in a journey into some of the world's – and our own – darkest trouble-spots...

Use the links below to go straight to your local Amazon (ebooks and paperbacks) or iTunes (ebooks) to read sample chapters or buy now, or click on the book image to read more about the works (some pages are under development).

Jerusalem Blind

Jerusalem Blind

Out now! Four days after the events of Sleeper Cell, Leila Reid is back....

Sleeper Cell

Sleeper Cell

The bomb in the heart of London was only the beginning. British Intelligence has three days to find and stop the cell... and they have no idea who they're looking for...

Amazon iTunes


They developed the crop to combat hunger in West Africa... but in the wrong hands it is a weapon more deadly than starvation itself.

Amazon iTunes


Take a journey to the edge of madness as one man fights to outrun an enemy that's already inside him. It's crippled his body... now it wants his mind...

Amazon iTunes
Firestorm: Descent

Firestorm 1: Descent

Sci-fi horror. A tale of time-travel that goes horribly wrong... Now enjoyed by over 100,000 readers!

Amazon iTunes

Firestorm 2: Realm of Violence

Eight years in the making, darker and more twisted than ever, Firestorm Book 2 is out now!.

Children's Books

Children's Books

Two chillers for younger readers, and an co-authored eco-thriller show a whole other side to Alan's writing!

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